UDC 331.5
V.A. Gnevasheva is Dr.Sci. (Economy), Ass. Prof. , Head of Departament at Institute for Demographical Research, Federal Centre of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of Russian Academy of Sciences (IDR FCTAS RAS) e-mail: vera_cos@rambler.ru
Presented is the analysis of modern labor market, forming under influence of multiple factors. The conditions of the external global challenge put the labor market in need of transformation, sometimes in contrast to the economically rational distribution of the labor factor and with the depreciation of the social significance of the use of labor resources. Inequality and the widespread deficit of decent work lead not only to economic inefficiencies, but also to a decline in social cohesion within countries. At the
same time, the main goals of the strategic development of the labor market, such as: full employment and an increase in the standard of living, remain significant, and it is necessary to direct the efforts of governments, workers, employers and their associations. The emerging global trends of the world labor market pose a number of problematic issues for solving both at the level of national markets and on the world labor market together with international organizations in the framework of the global dialogue. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the existing features of the distribution of labor and employment at the level of the world labor market, with the justification of such trends that are significant for issues of modern optimization of labor use, such as decent work, underemployment, structural unemployment, gender asymmetry, professional segregation, structural inflation, youth segment of labor market. All the phenomena under consideration are of a pronounced character both on the world and national labor market and require additional theoretical understanding and empirical assessment.
Key words: world labor market, decent work, underemployment, structural unemployment, gender asymmetry, occupational segregation, structural inflation, youth segment of labor market.
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