Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Scientific activity of INOIT's ALMAVEST

Scientific activity of INOITS "ALMAVEST"

Innovative research, educational and publishing center "ALMAVEST" was created in 2011 for the implementation of innovative forms of integration between science and education, creative collaboration with government, scientific and educational institutions in the social humanitarian, educational and publishing fields

General management of the INOITS "ALMAVEST" is carried by the editor-in-chief of «Alma mater» "Vestnik Vysshei Shkoly" (Higher School Herald), Doctor in Philology, professor Turina Liudmila G.


The main objectives of INOITS "ALMAVEST" are:

- Promote the integration of scientific and educational potential of scientific organizations, universities and innovative structures to implement on the basis of scientific and educational and publishing center of the joint research and development in the field of social sciences and humanities, pedagogy and publishing.

- Retraining of scientific and pedagogical staff, enhance the participation of young scientists and students in scientific research.

- The joint implementation of innovation in scientific, educational and publishing spheres.


To achieve these goals INOITS "ALMAVEST" solves the following problems:

- Implementation of joint development and implementation of them in the learning process, retraining, demanded a modern economy and science, improving their skills.

- The integration potential of scientific organizations and educational institutions in order to promote innovation as one of the decisive factors in the development of contemporary society of knowledge.

- The development of a unified information environment in the field of science, higher education and innovation.

- Promotion of new systems, methods and forms of educational activities, training and optimization of educational standards, programs, innovative textbooks and manuals; identify new promising areas of science and education systems that bring it to a new level.

- Attracting talented young people to work in innovative research and educational and publishing center, including the practice of undergraduate and graduate students, strengthening their science.

- Development of new, progressive forms of innovation, creative cooperation with scientific, educational organizations, foundations and other institutions to jointly address promising research and educational tasks.

- Providing information to support scientific research of young scientists.

The composition of the Directorate INOITS "ALMAVEST":

Director General - Turina Liudmila G., Dr. Sci. (Philology), professor of publishing and editing MGUP, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education

Director, head of the scientific direction - Ovchinnikov Hermann K., Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Professor at the Moscow Polytechnic University, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education

The head of the educational direction - Senashenko Vasily S., Dr. Sci. (Physical and Mathematical Sciences), professor of comparative education policy Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education

The head of the publishing direction - Vladimir N. BasylevDr. Sci. in Philology, Professor

Business Manager - Elena A. Krivko (M.Ed.)



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Tel.: (495) 99-88-612, +7 985 -99-88-612
