UDC (37.09+331)::(81`25:004)
Yu.I. Butenko is Cand.Sci. (Engineering), Ass. prof. at Roman-German languages Department e-mail: iubutenko@bmstu.ru; T.D. Margaryan is Cand.Sci. (History), Ass. prof., Head of Department “English for Mechanical engineering” e-mail: t.margaryan@bmstu.ru; and E.L. Kochetkova is Student of Faculty Linguistics e-mail: eizaveta98@mail.ru
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Analyzed is the impact of modern computer technologies on translation activity. The aim of the article is to analyze the degree of digitalization of the translation activity in three aspects, i.e. professional activity, employment, as well as education and hanging of translator’s qualification. The research was carried out by analyzing information resources, used by translators in remote mode in order to increase productivity and improve the quality of their professional activity. The possibilities of modern electronic dictionaries are described on the example of the online dictionary.com, and the dictionary headings significant in translation activity are presented. Translation automation means are analyzed and illustrated by examples of translations of various texts representing difficulties for machine processing. The list of universities that have the possibility of distance learning is given. Online tools for translator professional development are considered. The market of remote work as a translator is analyzed. The phenomenon of freelance in translation activity is considered. The advantages and disadvantages of working as a freelance translator are given. The freelance exchange fl.ru is analyzed. The technique of calculating points when calculating the rating at fl.ru is described. The technical skills necessary for a freelance translator are presented. The information on freelance translator necessary for creating and developing an account at fl.ru is summarized. Additional opportunities for earning a translator on the Internet, such as copywriting, rewriting, blogging, etc. are analyzed. The result is a list of information resources that can be used by translators in their work for self-improvement, employment and increasing monetization of their own work, as well as a number of recommendations for their effective use.
Key words: translation activity, machine translation, electronic dictionary, freelance, distance education, digitalization of translation activity.
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