Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Взаимосвязь между качеством образования и человеческим капиталом Южного федерального университета

A.L. Blokhin


A.L. Blokhin is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at sub-faculty of technology and professional pedagogical education of Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy of Southern Federal University



Elaborated is the problem of definition of quality of education in both international and domestic scientific educational community. Relationship between quality of education and human capital has been established. The analysis of systems of estimation of quality of education, offering in higher educational institution is carried out, and also characterized is it’s interrelation with human capital. It is noted by the author, that quality of education has positive impact on the development of human capital. Also described are results of the author’s research on approbation of independent assessment of students’ knowledge, realizing at Southern Federal university.

Key words: quality of education, human capital, student, vocational professional education.



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  3. Quality of higher education. Moscow, 2010.
  4. Husain, Salilul Akareem & Syed, Shahadat Hossein. Determinants of education quality: what makes students’ perception different. URL:
  5. GOST I ISO 9000-2001. Systems of management of quality. Fundamental provisions and vocabulary. Moscow, 2004.
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