Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Проблемы социокультурной адаптации китайских студентов в российских вузах

O.A. Beregovaya, A.V. Dekar
UDC 378:37.09-054.6

Oksana A. Beregovaya, Dr. Sc. (Philosophy), Docent, Professor of the Department of International Relations and Humanitarian Cooperation, Siberian Institute of Management — branch of the RANEPA (Novosibirsk city); Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy, Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, e-mail:,; Scopus ID 57209575808, Researcher ID E-1439-2019

Anastasia V. Dekar, Specialist of International Projects Management, Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, e-mail:,


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the socio-cultural adaptation of Chinese students in Russian universities. The purpose of the study is to analyze the problems encountered by students from China in the process of studying in Russia. The article examines the specific problems and difficulties of Chinese students in the process of learning, learning the Russian language, spending leisure time, and intercultural communication with other students. The research is supported by data from a sociological study, and methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization are used. The stages of adaptation from cultural shock to the dialogue of cultures are highlighted. The experience of domestic universities in identifying difficulties and ways of adapting Chinese students was analyzed. On this basis, the authors identified the following specific problems of Chinese students studying at Russian universities: the language barrier; adaptation to climatic conditions. There are: availability in the structure of the specialized university services to support and accompany Chinese students; conducting introductory trainings on the issues of admission; increasing the number of hours for studying Russian language, including the organization of additional teaching and methodological work; inclusion in active social life, organization of international cultural and educational events; conducting trainings on communication with Russian students aimed at establishing mutual understanding and cultural interchange; conducting cultural and communicative trainings for professorial and pedagogical staff working with international students; providing psychological support; obtaining feedback and evaluating the effectiveness of the sociocultural adaptation measures used.

Keywords: socio-cultural adaptation, higher education, internationalization, international students, China



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