UDC [005.33+005.6]::378
M.M. Simonova is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), doc. at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; S.A. Butyrina is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc. at Moscow State Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism n.a. Yu.A. Senkevich; and A.V. Popova is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), doc. at Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Examined are main determinants of training specialists, the role of university corporations and departments in this process. Qualitative difference between realization of creative potential of departments based on corporatism and strictly functional approach to performance of teaching duties and mechanistic accounting of indicators and achievements is shown. Content and forms of the work of department of Soviet institute and modern Russian University are compared, as well as reasons for shift of the center of corruption, when entering higher education institutions from universities, as it was in Soviet times, in modern schools in the form of “taming” high school students by full-time teachers of schools, putting the exam on the highest possible ball. Indisputable advantage of free public education over paid (commercial) is emphasized, since the state is interested in stability, universality, sustainability, humanity and conservatism of education as a social process. Education in the country should be successive, not subject to revolutionary changes and relevant scientific and technical progress. Russia, carrying out educational reform, is implementing a plan that allows the use of a new education system to form more sustainable prerequisites for the robotization of thinking and formalization of activity. The article presents the authors’ assessment of modern education in the country, results of reform of the system of higher education and enlightenment.
Key words: education, University Corporation, department, corporatism, responsibility, management, digital society, specialist.
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