UDC 378:364
L.M. Allakhverdiyeva is Dr.Sci. (Economics), prof. at Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics (MGGEU) and A.T. Gasparishvili is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc. at Lomonosov Moscow State University and RUDN University, Senior Researcher at Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS e-mail: gasparishvili@yandex.ru
Analyzed are problems of introducing inclusion in Russian higher educational system. It is shown, that traditional educational system does not always cope with innovations that would allow young people successfully adapt to rapidly changing conditions of life and work. In this case, special difficulties arose with ensuring access to education for disabled people and people with disabilities. In particular, reform of Russian educational system was aimed at providing them with access to higher professional education without discrimination. Changes in understanding of the role and functions of education in society had reflected refocusing of evaluation of one’s personal qualities, when self-fulfilment for individuals is the main goal of social development. With adoption of the new law “On Education”, inclusive education designed to take into greater consideration specific educational needs of people with disabilities has been actively developed. This, in turn, holds great promise for their full self-realization and successful social adaptation. The authors consider, that in modern society inclusive education in Russian universities is becoming an effective factor in socialization of people with disabilities.
Keywords: educational system, inclusive education, limited health opportunities, social rehabilitation of disabled people, socialization.