Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Social Representations of Higher Education: Mutated Structure and content?

Fabrice Fosso
80,00 ₽

UDC 304:378


Fabrice Fosso is PhD student in Sociology at Ural Federal University e-mail:


Presented is the concept of social representations as an important tool in the analysis of symbolic aspects, that individuals share among themselves within society. Also analyzed are theories, as to formation of such. In the paper, firstly, reviewed are some of dominating theories on formation of social representations, their content and structure (core and periphery), and, secondly, proposed  are some of their theoretical extensions, by analyzing social objects not linked with higher education, that are often ignored in the study of social representations of higher education and which have significant impact on the way, how students represent higher education of their host country. The author’s conclusion is argued, that social representations do not have a fixed structure, but rather are mutating.

Key words: social representations, higher education, objectivation, anchoring.



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