Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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On the problem of innovative approach to physical culture as the basis of health saving concept of educational process at university

A.N. Legkonogikh , N.V. Ryzhkin, T.P. Verina, E.V. Nemtseva
80,00 ₽

UDC 613.9:796::378           


A.N. Legkonogikh is master student e-mail:; N.V. Ryzhkin is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. head of sub-faculty e-mail:; T.P. Verina is Cand.Sci. (Medicine), doc., head of sub-faculty e-mail:; and E.V. Nemtseva is doc. e-mail: at Don State Technical University


Described is modern potential of health-saving concept of educational process in higher education in the aspect of physical education. New educational tools, non-standard approaches to physical education, the use of innovative technologies in physical education of students are development of a competence based approach to the discipline. Health-saving concept of physical culture at university is historically developed approach to implementation of awareness in life of young people, that healthy lifestyle, personal ecosystem and physical culture are the basis not only for self-preservation, but also for strengthening their own positions in modern life, development of individual and society as a whole. The purpose of this study is to investigate relationship of students and faculty to physical education as the basis of health-concept of educational process of Don state technical university, summarizing the study results and development of competence-based approach to introduction of the concept in educational process of university with promotion of physical education as the basis of vital status of youth. The object of the study is physical education as the discipline of the university, aimed at formation of the health-saving concept. The subject of the research is processes, that reflect innovative approach to physical education of students on the basis of health-saving concept. The authors’ research, collegial discussion and relevance of the issue determine allocation of innovative solutions in the conduct of physical education in higher education institutions as the basis of health-saving concept and prolonged action of these solutions in future life of modern youth.

Keywords: health-promoting concept, innovations in physical education, competence approach, student youth.



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