Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Features of modern youth reproductive attitudes: expert opinions and reality

S.G. Ivchenkov, M.S. Ivchenkova

UDC 316-053


S.G. Ivchenkov is Dr.Sci. (Sociology), Prof., Dean of Sociological Faculty at Saratov National Research State University n.a. N.G. Chernyshevsky e-mail:; and M.S. Ivchenkova is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), Senior Scientific Researcher at Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS e-mail:


Presented is analysis of results of sociological research of reproductive attitudes of young people in modern Russian society. The article states, that they are gradually transforming from traditional to adaptive ones. Reproductive attitudes are regulated partly by common norms and values and partly by personal reproductive views. However, they are changing. In the structure of life values of modern youth, children were ranked on the 3rd place in the hierarchy of importance (after health, family). While having a child is still dominant attitude, instrumental orientation to the child is strengthened. Only 18% of young people traditionally see the joy of life in children to some extent; 47% — categorically reject traditional attitudes to childhood as a guarantee of personal and family happiness; 14% — share liberal tolerant values of individualism in their reproductive attitudes. The modern young generation is characterized by an orientation towards having few children. This is manifested in a decrease in the orientation to have two children and an increase in the orientation to have only one child, or to be childfree. From one hand, that indicates the growing value of children themselves, from other hand that shows a reduction of having children among young people. A significant degree of actual distancing of reproductive behavior attitudes from traditional values and practices in this sphere of life, their individualization and rationalization are revealed. Young people who would like to have 2 or 3 children has only one especially among younger groups when their life strategy is more orientated on study, professional self-development and achievement economical comfort life. According to youth opinion the birth of a child brings more difficulties to life than positive changes, which provokes rationalism and pragmatism of individual reproductive attitudes of the younger generation. Unwillingness to have children contributes to the growth of contraceptive culture. Although, the development of contraceptive attitudes related to the reproductive sphere is slow, that provokes the problem of abortions or “accidental” “unwanted” children. Distribution of methods of making decisions about the birth of children and their number, as well as responsibility for the onset of pregnancy have already begun to acquire the character of asymmetry, shifted towards the woman.

Key words: youth, reproduction, youth reproductive attitudes, values, desired, expected and actual number of children.



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