Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Impact of educational motivation on academic mobility of students of Pedagogical University

N. R. Kurkina, L.V. Starodubtseva

UDC 378+005.33


N. R. Kurkina is Dr.Sci. (Еconomy), prof. e-mail:; and L.V. Starodubtseva is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), doc. e-mail: at Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute n.a. M.E. Evseviev


Researched is the theme of influence of educational motivation on academic mobility of students of pedagogical university. The urgency of the problem is associated with development trends of modern education that dictate inevitability of the process of academic mobility, ensuring intensive interaction between universities in educational process. The authors analyze approaches to consideration of the essence of academic mobility, its substantial characteristics, highlight forms and types of academic mobility. It is noted, that academic mobility is not only a tool for integrating country’s higher education into international educational space, but also mechanism to help increase the level of labor resources, that can compete in Russian economy and the world market. The authors emphasize, that academic mobility is important for personal and professional development of students. Special attention is paid to impact of educational motivation on academic mobility. For student of pedagogical university participation in mobility programs acts as motivation for learning foreign languages, replenishing cultural and professional experience. Conclusion is maid that educational process and mastery of professional competencies are important motive for participating in mobility programs for students.

Key words: academic mobility, students, educational motivation, pedagogical university.



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