Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Generation changes in marital behavior of Russians: sociological analysis

T.K. Rostovskaya, O.V. Kuchmaeva, V.N. Arkhangelsky
80,00 ₽

UDC 316.36


T.K. Rostovskaya is Dr.Sci. (Sociology), Prof. at Institute of Demographic Researches of FCTAS RAS, Prof. at NUST MISIS e-mail:; O.V. Kuchmaeva is Dr.Sci. (Economy), Prof. of Economic faculty at Lomonosov Moscow State University e-mail:; and V.N. Arkhangelsky is Cand.Sci. (Economy) at Research Institution of Organizing of Health Care and Medical Management of Department of Health Saving of Moscow e-mail:


Analyzed are significant changes, taking place in marital behavior of Russians, i.e. age of first marriage is increasing, and registration is being postponed more and more often. The percentage of those, who are married without registration continues to increase. Data from all-Russian population censuses and micro-censuses, as well as sample surveys of population, allow to identify changes in marital behavior of Russians, which are quite clearly manifested from generation to generation. Analysis of results of population censuses and sample surveys of population allows us to conclude, that marital behavior of Russians has changed in direction of reducing the value of mandatory registered marriage.

Key words: marital behavior, age of marriage, final celibacy, attitude to marriage.



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