UDC 378+(343.8-028.42)
O.M. Ovchinnikov is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof. at Vladimir Law Institute of FSIN and prof. at Vladimir State University n.a. A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs e-mail: omo33@mail.ru
Researched are some certain issues, related to optimization of departmental education of cadets of the Federal penitentiary service, taking into account ongoing humanization of criminal enforcement policy and law enforcement practice. Noted is, that today gradual withdrawal from criminal penalties, associated with real deprivation of liberty, were naturally led to concentration in correctional institutions persons, who committed serious and heinous crimes with recidivism, to resist unlawful intentions that the young employees of the penitentiary system is quite difficult, as prisoners, using various psychological tricks are constantly attempting progressive involvement of agencies and staff of UIS in their criminal activities. The author reveals the most typical methods, used by a special agent to incite employees of the UIS to enter into off-duty relationships, describes the destructive nature of these actions. Taking into account this problem, the article demonstrates the content of certain pedagogical technologies that are aimed at forming and strengthening psychological stability in cadets of higher education institutions of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia, resistance to manipulative influences from special agents, and the development of skills of constructive communication with convicts. Conclusion is made, that it is necessary to saturate educational and thematic plans for disciplines, implemented within specific specialization with separate topics, aimed at forming psychological stability of students and readiness for everyday constructive interaction with a special agent.
Key words: cadets, special agent, off-duty relationships, manipulation, departmental education, competence, pedagogical technologies, psychological stability, readiness.
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