UDC 37.09::811.111
A.B. Evseev is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. prof. at Vladimir State University n.a. A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs e-mail: andrej.yevsejev@rambler.ru
Discussed are traditional and alternative forms and types of control, used by teachers during foreign language classes. The author analyzes sources of literature on the issue, justifying importance of control that serves as the basis for development of self-control in students. The article pays special attention to presentation skills of shaping and testing, as forms of control. Such are acquired special significance, recently owing to transition to online education in higher educational establishments amid the coronavirus pandemic. The article proves importance of combining various forms of control to achieve more objective assessment of students’ works by the teacher and, as a result, shaping more sustainable motivation in students.
Key words: control, self-control, motivation, method, impartiality, the English language.
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