UDC 37-042.4:004
T.I. Bova is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. prof. e-mail: tatjana-bova@rambler.ru; E.N. Drozdovich is Cans.Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. prof. e-mail: jeka_kach@mail.ru; and O.I. Kuzmenko is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. prof. e-mail: fedotova109@rambler.ru at Omsk State Technical University
Presented is a multi-aspect analysis of the process of organizing distance learning at university, aimed at developing professional competence of future specialist. The main goal was to identify benefits of such training in relation to other forms of such. An option is proposed for conducting online certification that provides assessment of students’ knowledge as close as possible to real ones. The article discusses features of organization of new ways of communication and changes, brought by them into communication between students and teacher. Directions of professional growth of teacher, due to study of new areas of knowledge, are presented. Distance learning is considered in terms of providing all participants in the educational process with new opportunities for personal growth. Also positive changes, occurring within pedagogical and student groups, are described.
Key words: distance learning, online platforms, online exam, competence.