Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Base tendencies of professional social adaptation of modern student youth

N.Yu. Netalimov
80,00 ₽

UDC  316-057          


N.Yu. Netalimov is PhD student at Ufa State Petroleum Technical University e-mail:



Discussed are base tendencies of professional social adaptation of modern students’ youth. Basic directions and contradictions of this process are being allocated. The degree of sanction of specified contradictions in many respects depends on initial level of social adaptation of subject of activity. This level simultaneously is both the complex characteristic of the person and criterion of estimation of efficiency of professional actions at higher school. Proved is, that values of formation and a trade make one of the major parameters, on what it is possible to judge about social referents point persons. It is defended social professional orientation as a phenomenon of consciousness, that certain hierarchy of estimations of fields of activity of the person, according to their importance for the individual. This hierarchy has the basis of valuable representations that have usually at student about appropriate kinds of activity, characteristic for concrete social status that the person prepares to get. It is defined main component of the process of professional and social adaptation, i.e. information subject objective interaction within the framework of educational process. Its efficiency also causes level of professional feedback of the future expert, his competitiveness on labor market and opportunities of realization social status claims of the subject. Detailed elaboration of the mechanism of professional socialization of student of higher school, who is under construction as the basis for development of his social potential and the main condition of profile social adaptation.

Key words: social action, professional social adaptation, values of formation and a trade, subject objective interaction, professional feedback of the expert.



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