UDC 001.18:378
S.B. Bondarenko is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), prof. at Kursk State University e-mail: bondsb@rambler.ru
Analyzes are the main directions of global scientific and technical revolution (computerization, robotics, nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, space sciences). Their significance for development of modern society is shown. Achievements of the global scientific and technological revolution are steadily spreading to various spheres of society, i.e. industry, transport, agriculture, banks, education, health, military technologies, trade, everyday life, art. The global scientific and technical revolution strengthens integration of natural and technical sciences, generates unprecedented technization of public life contributes to emergence of new sciences and technologies. Higher school of global powers (Russia, USA, China and EU) should strive to respond adequately and promptly to development of main directions of the global scientific and technological revolution and its achievements. Lagging in main directions is a threat to global power. In higher education in Russia in the epoch of the global scientific and technical revolution, it is necessary to constantly update specialties, increase number of dual specialties, strengthen integration with average educational schools and enterprises, expand cooperation with foreign partners, improve conditions for conducting scientific work of teachers and students, democratize processes of teaching and management of universities. We need a realistic and long-term strategy for development of higher education.
Key words: higher school, structure, scientific and technical revolution, strategy.
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4. Fourastie, J. The Great Hope of the Twentieth Century. Paris, 1949.
5. Rousseau, J.-J. Discussion of arts and sciences. Historical and pedagogical journal. 2012. No. 2. P. 58.
6. Habermas, J. Technology and science as “ideology”. Moscow, 2007. P. 61.
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8. Lilley, S. Men, Machines and History. Moscow, 1970. P. 400.
9. An Tsinyan New scientific and technical revolution and modern world. Age of globalization. 2009. No. 2 (4). P. 30–39.
10. Lunacharsky, A.V. On folk education. P. 314.
11. Altbach, P. Global Perspectives on Higher Education. Moscow, 2018. P. 53.
12. Avanesov, V.S. Reform, modernization or strategy of education development: what is more important now? In: Russia: trends and perspectives of development. Moscow, 2018. P. 804–809.