UDC 37.07:159.943
T.V. Ledovskaya is Cand.Sci. (Psychology), doc. e-mail: karmennnn@yandex.ru; and N.E. Solynin is Cand.Sci. (Psychology), doc. e-mail: sonik7-39@yandex.ru at Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University n.a. K.D. Ushinsky
Analyzed is relationship between authority of modern teacher and his abilities. Theoretical analysis showed that authority is based on personal and activity characteristics of person, voluntary acceptance of authority by participants of social relation. Empirical research established that most educators have average level of authority. As a result of diagnostics of individual styles of pedagogical activity of teachers, it was revealed, that the most popular are emotional-improvisational and emotional-methodical styles. The least used are reasoning-methodical and reasoning-improvisational styles. Components of substantive characteristics of individual style of activity include such qualities of the teacher, as methodicality and improvisability, in the components of dynamic characteristics there is personal trait of reason and opposite is emotionality. Results of statistical analysis show that teachers, whose pedagogical activities are dominated by emotional-methodical and reasoning-methodical styles, enjoy greater authority among students, compared to teachers using reasoning-improvisational style. Teachers, who implement emotional-improvisational style in their activities, enjoy the least authority among high school students. Therefore, pedagogical authority is interconnected with style of pedagogical activity, i.e. system of methods, techniques of activity, caused by individual-psychological peculiarities of its subject, its abilities. Authority, or opportunity to influence students through their knowledge and abilities, as well as voluntary acceptance of this influence by pupils, provided, that pupils are convinced of competence, awareness of teacher, perception of him as mature, experienced person, able to assist in solving problems of educational and extracurricular nature.
Key words: authority, abilities, individual style of activity, human capital, education, teacher.
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