Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Information Technology at the Service of the Transformation of Medical Education, Medical Science and Telemedicine Application. Medical Project Lab Business Accelerator Project

С.И. Богданов, Т.Я. Ткаченко, А.А. Шестакова, Е.Н. Богданова
80,00 ₽

UDC 378::61-042.4:004   


Sergei I. Bogdanov, Dr. Sc. (Medicine), Docent, Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Narcology at Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (USMU), e-mail:

Tatyana Ya. Tkachenko, Cand. Sc. (Technic), Department of digital transformation of education at Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (USMU), e-mail:

Anastasiya A. Shestakova, Department of digital transformation of education at Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (USMU), e-mail:

Elena N. Bogdanova, Senior lecturer, Department of history, economics and jurisprudence at Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (USMU), e-mail:

Digital transformation also plays a special role in the strategic renewal of a modern medical university. We are talking not only about re-equipping IT resources in medical education, but also about a kind of resetting the potential of a medical worker, upgrading his professional capital, modernizing the corporate culture, socialization, communication, and optimizing all his internal processes. The purpose of the study is to summarize the experience of organizing and creating a set of interrelated events designed to involve and train students in the skills of using effective information technologies in order to successfully master the curriculum in the context of the digital transformation of medical education. The methodological basis of this study was system-activity, competency-based, informational, individually differentiated approaches. The basis of the research materials was the results of the activities of students and teachers of the Ural State Medical University (USMU). Data on the dynamics of the number of students' involvement, their reports on the topic of the direction, the expansion of the range of research topics, the dynamics of the number of student publications, lectures and master classes by members of the expert council and involved medical IT specialists were used. In general, for four years at the USMU a team of expert teachers interested in the active development of this area at the university has been created. It was possible to attract to work a large number of students from USMU, other universities in Russia and neighboring countries. The study revealed the effectiveness of the work carried out at the USMU in the direction of "Information technologies for the digital transformation of medical education, medical science and telemedicine". The main problems and contradictions in the development of digital literacy and the interest of students and teachers of a medical university are identified, and directions for its improvement are identified.

Key words: Information technology, medical education, medical science, telemedicine, students.


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