Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Quesionnarie “Professional Path Planning” as A Tool of Scientic and Applied Researches

M.V. Prokhorova, А.В. Савичева

UDC 159.9+37.04

Maria V. Prokhorova, PhD in Psychology, Docent, Associate Professor in Department of Managerial Psychology of Faculty of Social Sciences at Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, e-mail:

Anastasia V. Savicheva, Postgraduate student 2nd year of “Psychological sciences”, focus “Psychology of work, engineering psychology, ergonomics” at Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, e-mail:


The survey “Planning a professional path”, assigned to assess optants’ professional plans, is presented in the article. The projective technique can be used both in conducting scientific research aimed at developing an up-to-date professional periodization, and in a situation of professional consulting. The questionnaire allows accomplishing a range of applied tasks: identify the expected duration of optants’ professional path; forecast key events of the occupational way, that reflect optants’ career orientations; determine optants’ ideas about acquired competencies; diagnose sense-making motives at each stage of the professional way. Approbation of the questionnaire was carried out on a sample of university students (n1 = 123) and senior pupils (n2 = 84). While designing the questionnaire, the authors relied on the B.N. Ryzhov’s system periodization, the generational theory by W. Strauss and N. Howe; V.E. Orel’s ideas about the psychological mechanisms of vocational choice; a synergetic approach to research on professional self-determination by V.A. Tolochek; projective approach and biographical method, designed by A.A. Kronik. The authors disclose the procedure of conducting and the survey structure, attach the blank with instructions, indicative keys for processing respondents’ answers. The description contains the most frequent questions of optants regarding completion of the questionnaire and the answers to them, as well as an example of a qualitative analysis of the optants’ professional plan.

Key words: questionnaire, optant, professional path, professional periodization, professional plan, professional development, competencies, work motivation, generational theory.



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