Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Consolidated Knowledge Corpus: Design Technique

V.N. Bazylev, И.А. Куперман, Е.В. Чмыхова, М.Л. Аранович
80,00 ₽

UDC 378-042.4:004


V.N. Bazylev is Dr. Sci. (Philology), academic adviser at “Electronnoe obrazovanie” Ltd, e-mail: ; I.A. Kuperman is Ph.D. in Sociology, Vice-Rector for Electronic and Vocational Educationat at Russian State Social University, e-mail:; E.V. Chmykhova is Ph.D. in Sociology, Ass. Prof., Head of the Methodology Department of the Division for Electronic Education at Russian State Social University, e-mail:; M.L. Aranovich is Lead Specialist of the Methodology Department of the Division for Electronic Education at Russian State Social University, e-mail:


The article presents the results of a pilot study for the structural transformation of 18 Bachelor’s Degree Programs for e-learning using Consolidated Knowledge Corpus. Consolidated Knowledge Corpus is a multidimensional object-oriented structure of educational content objects and their connections. All academic topics from 224 disciplines were combined into a Consolidated Knowledge Corpus to unify similarities and eliminate duplication. A unified matrix of educational content for the first year of study for 18 bachelor’s programs was compiled and an optimized modular structure of the curriculum was built. As a result, the necessary production volume of digital educational products and subsequently the necessary volume of investments were reduced by 55 percent.

Key words: consolidated knowledge corpus, design technique in e-learning, system for optimizing content design, object-oriented structure of educational content.




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