Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Pedagogical conditions of praxiological preparation of students to professional activity

D.N. Devyatlovsky
80,00 ₽ 


D.N. Devyatlovsky is Cand.Sc. (Pedagogy), doc. at Lesosibirsk branch of Siberian State Technological University



Presented is analytical study, the aim of which is solution of educational task, connected with identification of pedagogical conditions, influencing on the process of praxiological preparation of students to professional activity. Identification and description of pedagogical conditions of praxiological preparation will build this process as most optimal and effective one for successful professional activity of students in various fields, and promotes orientation of all components and subjects of praxiological training to formation in students own experience of realizing of professional activity, as well as formation in teachers experience of effective organization of praxiological training of students at university.

Key words: students, pedagogical conditions, praxiological training, professional activity.



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