Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Инновации в образовании

S.V. Bakushev
UDC 378

Sergey V. Bakushev, Dr. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Department “Mechanics”, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction,, e-mail:


The issues of innovations (innovations) in the educational process are considered. The meaning of the concepts of “Pedagogical mastery” and “Pedagogical innovation” is revealed. The most important properties of innovative activity in education are noted. One of the possible innovative approaches to the study of the discipline “Numerical Methods and Programming” in a Technical University is considered. The problems of higher education at the present stage are noted.

Keyword: higher education, innovation, pedagogical excellence, pedagogical innovation, problems of higher education




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  13.  Bakushev, S.V. A view of modern school education: how to help a teacher, a student, parents. Alma mater (Vestnik vysshey shkoly). 2020. No. 9. P. 13–17. DOI: 10.20339/AM.09-20.013
  14.  Bakushev, S.V. Nothing but the truth and no prohibitions. How to help an employer to get a qualified specialist. Alma mater (Vestnik vysshey shkoly). 2021. No. 5. P. 7–12. DOI: 10.20339/AM.04-20.009
  15. Bakushev, S.V. Higher Engineering Education — the Basis of Post-Industrial Society Construction. In: The post-Soviet space is a territory of innovations. 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference: Reports. November 23, 2023. Vidnoye city. Prof. B.K. Tebiev (ed.). Moscow: Moscow Regional Socio-Economic Institute, 2023. P. 232–239.
  16. Bakushev, S.V. Improving the quality of engineering education. Alma mater (Vestnik vysshey shkoly). 2024. No. 2. P. 42–46. DOI: 10.20339/AM.02-24.042