Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Bologna Deadlock... What’s Next?

R.M. Petruneva, V.D. Vasilyeva

UDC 378        


Raisa M. Petruneva, Dr. Sc. (Pedagogy), Professor, Head of cub-faculty of History, Culture and Sociology at Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:

Valentina D. Vasilyeva, Dr. Sc. (Pedagogy), Docent, Professor of sub-faculty of History, Culture and Sociology at Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:


One day that changed the world put on the Russian Federation agenda issues that were in a latent immanent form, and therefore attracted little public attention. However, today the solution of those issues determines the direction of the development of our vast country. In addition to global economic and political issues, the country needs to find a solution to important problem which to extent determines the future of Russia and its geopolitical stability. The article raises the question of the development of higher education in the Russian Federation. It is the best moment now to get rid of illusions, delusions and negative experience in this area and pay attention to the rich experience of the Russian Federation and the Soviet Union in the sphere of higher education.

In this regard, the authors have analyzed some acute problems of Russian education at the present stage, the benefits and harms of recent reforms and the introduction of the Bologna innovations, the positive aspects of the Soviet system of specialists training. It is shown that many problems in the specialists training are of a systemic nature, and their solution is not so much in the field of didactics but in the field of lawmaking.

Key words: Bologna process, Federal State Educational Standard, academic freedoms, USE, quality of education.





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