Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Professional orientation work in the system “school — higher school — enter-prise”: search for new options of social partnership

О.Ю. Брюхова, A.S. Nikitina, Н.Н. Старцева
80,00 ₽

UDC  (378+37.09):334      


O.Yu. Bryukhova is senior lecturer at Ural State University of Railway Engineering e-mail:; A.S. Nikitina is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), doc. at Ural Institute of Management — Branch of RPA of National Economy and Public Administration e-mail:; and N.N. Startseva is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), doc. at Ural State University of Railway Engineering e-mail:


Presented is examination of professional orientation by students’ youth. Principal actors, that influence career guidance are identified, i.e. parents, teachers and lecturers, employers, specialists of employment centers, officials are being elaborated. Special attention is being paid to study of the system “school — university — enterprise", that should connect educational system with labor market. Based on results of the study, conclusion is made, that these subjects of career guidance today do not have stable relationships, operate mainly for their utilitarian purposes, and not relate to the professional definition of the younger generation. The authors believe, that the problem of establishing right interaction between these three subjects (school — university — enterprise) might be effectively provided by university as an actor with great cultural, social and economic capital. As final conclusion, the article provides some practical recommendations for various structural divisions of the university, which could improve quality and effectiveness of career guidance in working with applicants.

Key words: choice of profession, vocational guidance, career guidance activities, career guidance event, social partnership, school.



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