Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Vera Birkenbil’s foreign language teaching methods in the context of “digital generation”

M.V. Petrova
80,00 ₽


M.V. Petrova is Cand.Sci. (Philology), lecturer at Lomonosov Moscow State University e-mail:


Summarized and analyzed is methodology of foreign language teaching system, introduced by German teacher and scientist V.F. Birkenbihl. Key principles and methodological ideas of this methodology are put together into coherent system. Analyzed is possibility of their effective application in the context of modern “digital generation” on the example of nowadays ongoing at the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University project of extracurricular activity on the subject of “German language”.

Key words: Vera Birkenbihl, “digital generation”, foreign language teaching methods, multisensory approach in teaching, digital technologies in training of foreign language.



1. Petrova, M.V. (2015) Didactic and methodological aspects of active and passive listening of foreign audiotexts (based on German language-learning materials). URL:

2. Birkenbihl, V.F. Stroh im Kopf? Gebrauchsanweisung fürs Gehirn. Speyer, 1983.

3. Birkenbihl, V.F. Fremdsprachen lernen für Schüler: Mit der Birkenbihl-Methode. Ariston Verlag, 2008.

4. Birkenbihl, V.F. Das innere Archiv. München, 2010.

5. Birkenbihl, V.F. Lernen lassen!: Mit 17 konkreten Methoden, Tricks und Lernspielen. München, 2014.

6. Birkenbihl, V.F. Stichwort Schule: trotz Schule lernen! München, 2013.

7. Gardner, H. Frames of mind: the theory of multiple intelligences. New York, 1983.

8. Gardner, H. Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York, 2011.

9. Prensky, М. Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. URL: