Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Organization of university space in the system of regional space: methodology of analysis and evaluation of effectiveness of Volga federal district

M.R. Safiullin, A.A. Abdukaeva, L.A. Elshin
80,00 ₽


M.R. Safiullin is Dr.Sci. (Economy), prof., vice-rector at Kazan (Volga) Federal University e-mail:; A.A. Abdukaeva is leading scientific researcher e-mail:; and L.A. Elshin is Cand.Sci. (Economy), head of department  e-mail:

at Center of Perspective Economical Researches of AS Republic of Tatarstan


Presented are comprehensive analysis of effectiveness of development of the system of training highly qualified personnel in regional context and also elaboration on this basis of directions for adapting the university space of regional economic systems in accordance with personnel needs of economy. The subject of the study is organization of the system of higher education in region in the context of analyzing profile orientation of higher education institutions in the sphere of educational training programs. Conducted is regional clustering of Volga Federal District, depending on functional orientation of higher school, it’s market orientation, and qualitative characteristics, aimed at forming typology of regional higher education systems as basis for development of management models for higher education space.

Key words: regional system of higher education, personnel needs, labor market, clustering of higher education space, quality of higher education development, educational programs, competitiveness of region, socio-economical development, technological breakthrough, versatility of university.



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