R.G. Gabdrakhmanova is Cand.Sc. (Pedagogy), doc. e-mail:; R.M. Khusainova is Cand.Sc. (Psychology), doc. e-mail:; and S.E. Chirkina is Cand.Sc. (Psychology), doc. e-mail:
at Kazan Federal University
Analyzed is the theme of organization in high school of electronic educational resources (EER) and effective use of such. The topic of discussion are Electronic educational resources, formed by collective efforts of lecturers or group of lecturers, that enables to facilitate the process of training process of students of educational institutions of higher education, being in network interaction on lecturing discipline. The named resource opens before lecturers opportunity for easier control of independent work of students, as to EER, timely propose consultation, check test, and so on. Also lecturer gets opportunity to supplement the content of his EER with some new materials, if necessarily. As a result, student get possibility of using of collective experience of scientists from various educational organizations of the country.
Key words: network interaction, electronic educational resources, student, academic mobility, project.
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