Lyudmila V. Pyatiletova, Cand. Sc. (Philosophy), Docent, Associate Professor at Department of Management in social and economic systems, Philosophy and history , Ural State University of Railway Transport, е-mail:
The article is devoted to the strategy and methods of teaching the special course “Social, psychological and philosophical problems of professional activity”, taught on the basis of USTU to undergraduates in the direction of training 09.04.02 “Information systems and technologies” from 01.09.2020. Using the example of the topic “Phenomenon burnout in the professional activity of an IT specialist” considers the use of a transdisciplinary approach combining inter- and multidisciplinary resources as the most effective in the context of the formation of universal competencies outlined in the Higher Education Standard (UK-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), general the result of which is seen not only to satisfy the humanitarian hunger and the deficit of social and humanitarian skills of specialists in the field of IT technologies, but also the experience of attempts to answer existential questions related to the anthropology of the profession, which ultimately relate to the specifics of professional development (self-realization) and self-actualization in the aspect of search an ecological balance of personal and professional in the life of a ‘modern worker’ — a worker of the ‘new industrial era’ with its new (post-industrial) challenges, including those associated with the phenomenon of professional burnout, which is not yet accurately differentiated and unjustifiably replicated in (self-)diagnosis.
Keywords: methodology, transdisciplinary approach, interdisciplinary approach, professional activity, programmer, burnout, IT technologies, self-realization, information systems and technologies
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