Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Education as the Supporting Structure of the Knowledge Society

N.N. Gubanov, N.I. Gubanov
80,00 ₽

UDC 37:1


Nikolay N. Gubanov, D.Sc. (Philosophy), Docent, Professor at sub-faculty of Philosophy at Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Professor of sub-faculty of Humanities at Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, e-mail:

Nikolay I. Gubanov, D.Sc. (Philosophy), Professor, Head of sub-faculty of Philosophy and History at Tyumen State Medical University, e-mail:

The article analyzes the role of educational system in reproduction of the intellectual life of a modern society, which, according to certain scientists, is striving for a state referred to by them as the Knowledge Society. It is pointed out that among various interpretations of this concept the authors are closest to understanding it as the social ideal, since it is too early to talk about any noticeable and even more so final transition to a fundamentally new type of the social reality. Another interpretation is also proposed, which means that any knowledge society as a social attractor appears to be a possible and desirable new quasi-stable state of the society based on systematic production of the rational knowledge in the course of widely held theoretical (aimed at finding propositional truth), moral and practical (aimed at finding normative correctness) discussions. The simulated attractor will make it possible to avoid catastrophic scenarios for the development of Civilization associated with unpreparedness of the human mind to cope with the growing instrumental power and other challenges of the history. Relevance of the problem under discussion is due to unprecedented acceleration of the evolutionary processes in the 21st century noted by many researchers of the Universal History (Big History). An original procedural concept of rational knowledge is presented, which basic component is the widely understood principle of sufficient reason serving as the universal mechanism for accumulating the cultural capital. It is noted that the introduced principle is not any law of logic, but is represented by a five-step scheme for formation and selection of knowledge and could be substantiated by the transcendental-pragmatic method proposed by Karl-Otto Apel and Jürgen Habermas. To analyze the functions of education, fundamental theory of the intellectual networks by R. Collins is introduced, which includes theory of interactive rituals, social concept of creativity and model of the intellectual attention space dynamics.

Key words: knowledge society, education, procedural concept of rationality, broadly understood principle of sufficient reason, intellectuals, interactive ritual, intelligent networks.


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