N.V. Tsytulina is post-graduate student e-mail: ; N.L. Sokolova is Cand.Sci. (Philology), doc., Institute director e-mail: ; M.V. Mishatkina is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc., head of sub-faculty e-mail:; and M.G. Sergeeva is Dr.Sci. (Pedsgogy), prof. e-mail:
at Institute of Foreign Languages of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Examined is the theme of professionally personal formation of students at sociocultural environment of high school. The authors analyze educational environment of high school as element of social environment, paying attention to influence of such on professional and personal development of students. Identifying are principal features of the system of modern education and it’s close connection with society through creation of sociocultural environment. Such, in the authors opinion, is associated with the status of individual in educational space of high school, for the sake of which it is created for solving their problems in educational process. The authors come to the conclusion about possibility of interpretation of socio-cultural environment at university in a broad sense, viewing such as a set of factors, determining the specificity of culture as both individual, and training society as a whole.
Key words: environment, social environment, social space, educational environment, socio-cultural environment; professionally personal development of students.
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