R.M. Petruneva is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof., vice-rector e-mail:; V.D. Vasilyeva is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof. e-mail:; N.V. Dulina is Dr.Sci. (Sociology), prof. e-mail: and O.V. Toporkova is Cand.Sci (Pedagogy) e-mail:; all at Volgograd State Technical University
Discussed are new tasks of regional flagship university, determining by possibilities of participation of it’s students in development of local communities, urban and regional environment. Presented is experience of educational work and activity of student self-government bodies of Volgograd state technical university, aimed at innovative development of Lower Volga region, where problems of cross-national interaction and patriotic education are acute. Many years of tradition of university educational activity have been supplemented with new, modern forms and directions of activity, socially significant projects for the region. Such include also all-Russian projects within the framework of the program for development of student associations of VolgSTU, supporting by the Ministry of education and science of the RF already for six years.
Key words: regional flagship university, forms of educational work, student associations, socio-cultural environment.
1. Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF “Flagship Universities”. URL: http://xn--b1agajcc1abgakngoqbh6l.xn--p1ai/about
2. Lihachev, D.S. Selected Works: Thoughts on Life, History, Culture]. Moscow, 2006.
3. State Youth Policy Frameworks of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. URL:
4. Petruneva, R.M., Vasilyeva, V.D., Toporkova, O.V. Socio-cultural Environment of the University, Traditions of Educational Work, and Extra-Curricular Activities of Future Engineers. Higher education in Russia. 2016, no. 7, pp. 127–136.
5. Order of government of the RF from 20.08.2013 № 718 “On federal target program “Consolidation of unity of Russian nation and ethnic and cultural development of peoples of Russia in 2014-2020”. URL:
6. Petruneva, R.M., Vasilyeva, V.D. To the problem of social and cultural adaptation of students of non-titular nationalities to conditions of the South of Russia. Izvestiya of VolgGTU. Serie “Problems of social humanitarian knoledge”. 2014, no. 13 (140), pp. 143–146.