Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Социально-образовательные кластеры непрерывного образования: актуализация формирования

E.R. Elagina


E.R. Elagina is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), prof. at Institute of Social and Special Pedagogy n.a. Raul Wallenberg, Sankt Petersburg e-mail: 


Researched if the theme of continuity of education, which in modern understanding is positioned as a condition for human development for active self-realization and successful professional activity. Analyzed is the process interaction in a cluster by analogue of social networks. Considered are features of the use of concepts of “continuous education”, “cluster”, and also described are components of the author’s notion of “social and educational cluster of life long education of the ACE”. Attention is accentuated on the fact, that namely continuous education, being non-material asset, remains decisive challenge to poverty and unemployment, and realization of social and educational cluster of life long education of the ACE would be able to consolidate in public consciousness understanding of mutual social responsibility of society, state and individual for development of continuous education.

Key words: continuous education, cluster, social and educational cluster, network, competitiveness, non-material assets, territory of con­tinuous education.



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