Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Empirical study of Egocentrism as a form of deviant behavior in development of personality’s moral sphere

A.A. Oschtschepkov, E.N. Piskunova
80,00 ₽
UDC 316.6+159.9

Aleksey A. Oschepkov, Cand. Sc. (Psychology), Associate Professor, Department of human sciences, Dimitrovgrad engineering-

technological Institute — branch of National research nuclear university MEPhI “Moscow Engineering Physics Insntitute”,, e-mail:

Elena N. Piskunova, Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Department of human sciences, Dimitrovgrad engineering-technological Institute — branch of National research nuclear university MEPhI “Moscow Engineering Physics Institute”,, e-mail:

The relevance of study of egocentrism role in moral sphere development is conditioned by the necessity of deeper comprehension of interrelation between moral development and human social behavior determined by problematics related to deviant behavior manifestation. Due to this, the given article is directed to revelation of egocentrism features of young people and their relation to deviant behavior. To solve this task the empirical study, the main method of which became psychological techniques of egocentrism level diagnostics, of proneness to deviant behavior and techniques of values orientations system study, presenting the possibility to study personal features as integrated mark in relation to the possibility of deviant behavior revelation, was conducted. The study sample was composed by students of Dimitrovgrad engineering-technological institute — branch of NRNU MEPhI, in the age of 18–20 years, at the amount of 54 people (27 boys and 27 girls). Thanks to the conducted empirical study it was revealed that mechanism of interrelation between young people egocentrism and deviant behavior lies in the fact that they discover misrepresentation of self, and for them the overvaluation of own quantities is characteristic, at the same time there is little agreement of society ideas about themselves. Thus development of personality with egocentrism high level testifies deformation of development of communications to the people around, that causes difficulties in interactions to people. The presented results may be put in the basis of design of psychological-pedagogical program of preventing deviant behavior of young people.

Keywords: moral development, egocentrism, youth, deviant behavior, prevention of deviances




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