Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Organizational Features of Inclusive process of Teaching Students with Disabilities according to Adapted Basic Professional Educational Programs at the University

А.Г. Станевский, Т.А. Гузева, В.М. Крикун

UDC 378:37.09-056.2


A.G. Stanevsky is Cand. Sci. (Technique), Ass. Prof., Director of GUIMTs e-mail:; T.A. Guzeva is Cand. Sci. (Technique), Ass. Prof., Head of Department of Administration of Educational Standards and Programs e-mail:; and V.M. Krikun is Cand. Sci. (Technique), Ass. Prof., Deputy Director of GUIMTs e-mail:

All at Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University)


Researched is the problem of developing inclusive Higher education with an emphasis on the success of its completion and subsequent effective employment of graduates is very urgent. Today the number of students with disabilities requiring such training is estimated in the thousands. The accumulated experience of inclusive education confirms that vocational education, including higher education, provides the best vocational rehabilitation and subsequent successful employment of people with disabilities in the labor market. A key contribution to solving this problem is made by universities that create adapted educational programs for this category of students. The article summarizes the experience of the Bauman University on the creation of adapted basic professional educational programs for students with disabilities. The features of the organization of the inclusive educational process of learning, the features of the development and implementation of its methodological support: curricula, calendar educational schedules, competency matrices, work programs of disciplines and practices, assessment and other teaching materials are analyzed. The development and institutionalization of adoptive basic professional educational programs allows the university to pursue a targeted policy of attracting students with disabilities to higher education and ensures the success of mastering professional higher education programs approaching 90%, with 100% successful subsequent employment of graduates.

Key words: disabled people, higher education, adapted educational programs, adaptation subjects, and support for students with disabilities.



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