Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Creation and implementation results of educational program “Verbal communications of library specialist”

N.A. Turanina, E.A. Kurilenko
80,00 ₽


N.A. Turanina is Dr.Sci. (Philology), prof., head of sub-faculty e-mail:; and E.A. Kurilenko is post-graduate student e-mail:

at Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture


Presented is description of the author’s educational program “Verbal communications of the library specialist”, developed on the base of results of monitoring communicative competences of librarians, with also taking into account communicative nature of professional activity, and widespread introduction of innovative technological operations and communication channels. The program can be used in the system of basic vocational training and additional professional education of library and information workers of the Russian Federation. Results of introduction of the course in the system of advanced training of librarians are presented. Verbal communications are aimed at solving of professional problems of specialist in the process of interaction with colleagues, service consumers, management, social partners.

Key words: educational program, professional culture, social communication, library verbal communications, communicative culture, culture of verbal communication, monitoring of speech competencies.



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