Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Forming a trajectory for preparing students for professional activities in the field of aircraft control systems in an interdisciplinary basis, taking into account the needs of industry

Vladimir I. Busurin, Yuriy G. Sledkov, Nadezhda A. Makarenkova, Alena V. Rumakina

UDC 378:37.09:629.7


Vladimir I. Busurin, Dr. Sc. (Technic), Professor, Professor of Department # 301 at Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

Yurij G. Sledkov, Cand. Sc. (Technic), Docent, Associate Professor of the Department # 310 at Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

Nadezhda A. Makarenkova, Cand. Sc. (Technic), Associate Professor of the Department # 301 at Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), e-mail:

Alena V. Rumakina, Senior Lecturer at the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


The problem of providing the domestic aerospace industry with qualified personnel in the field of aircraft control systems, who will be able to successfully solve the tasks assigned to them after graduation and integrate into the working environment of enterprises, is considered. It shows the importance of taking into account the current and projected goals and needs of enterprises when forming the trajectory of students’ education, starting with junior courses, taking into account the interdisciplinary approach, as well as the need to control this process and ensure its consistency on the part of the graduating department. The main approaches that are being implemented at the Moscow Aviation Institute for the formation of trajectories of training students, which, after their graduation, employers will be interested in, are shown. The goals and objectives that are set for students in the learning process are indicated. Approaches are considered to ensure the individualization of the trajectories of training students in the field of aircraft control systems, which make it possible to maximize the potential of students, take into account their wishes for choosing a scientific field and the needs of industry. The preferred qualities of the graduate are given, as well as the necessary knowledge and skills that he should possess when applying for a job.

Keywords: educational process, university graduates, interdisciplinary approach, industry needs, individualization of education.



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