A.P. Shevchik is Dr. Sci. in Engineering, Rector of Institute
A.A. Musaev is Dr. Sci. in Engineering, Dean of faculty
Sankt Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University)
Examined is the process of evolution of educational and information technologies. Shown is evolution of ideas about creative approach to educational process in European and Russia. The problem of influence of exponential growth of information technologies on all aspects of life and activity of human civilization is is considered. Analyzed is the role of cognitive technologies, oriented on the processes of thinking and cognition. Development of cognitive and information technologies resulted in emergence of new cognitive educational model, significantly changing direction of the process of education. Content difference of new model consists in orientation not on accumulation of huge volume of general and special knowledge of students, but on development of creative intelligence, capable in minimum time to master necessary volume of initial information for the purpose of development of effective managing decisions. Also example of realization of cognitive educational process is presented.
Key words: higher education, educational model, cognitive education, cognitive information technologies, electronic tutor.
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