Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Continued humanitarian education as actual social task

O.V. Zagorovskaya, T.A. Nikonova
80,00 ₽


O.V. Zagorovskaya is Dr.Sci. (Philology), prof., head of sub-faculty at Voronezh State Pedagogical University e-mail: ; and T.A. Nikonova is Dr.Sci. (Philology), prof., head of sub-faculty at Voronezh State University e-mail:


Analyzed are problems of creating in Russia a system of continuing education in humanities. Discussed are opportunities and ways for solution of corresponding social cultural task, that in the eyes of the authors is of top priority one for modern Russian society and state. Reckoning accumulated practical experience of of activity of variety of educational and cultural institutions, summarized on All-Russian scientific and methodological forum of “Continuous education in humanities in Russia and problems of retaining national and cultural identity” at the year of 2016, proposed are conceptual ideas for creating continuing system of education in humanities, and also defined is specific of such as modulus and multi-facet phenomenon, encouraging people from all walks of life to participate in cultural life and opening new ways for each person into culture.

Key words: education in humanities, higher school, secondary school, spiritual culture, Russian language, Russian literature, sociocultural situation.



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  5. Continued literal education as a modern social task. Voronezh, 2016.
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