Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Values criteria for the success of an applicant's choice

A.A. Soloviev

UDC 378:1


Andrey A. Soloviev, Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Docent, Associate Professor of Department of Philosophy and Law at Volgograd State Technical University, e-mail:


The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between the choice of an applicant and his prognosis regarding the perspectives for professional activity after his education. An attempt is presented to classify axiological lines for establishing criteria of the conformity of educational results with social and individual interests. The strategies of the choice, as a methodology of orientation in the variety of directions allowed by the educational field, are studied. The social factors contributing to the value in the public consciousness of certain states, which are attributes of nominal social success, are investigated. The author aims to find the principles of activity self-determination, and proceeds from the concept that the determining factors are not objective, but subjective factors. Among them are individual interests, abilities and inclinations, awareness of the market staff selection, value orientations, professional requirements, self-respect of one’s capabilities, priorities in professional sphere and general life strategy. The events that contribute to the choice of one or another direction by the applicant, or hinder this choice, to this end are studied. In addition, the question is raised about the so-called “value responsibility” of the applicant in the event that professional activity turns out to be inconsistent with the initial tasks. In this context, the problem of the correlation of individual selection criteria and social selection criteria is indicated.

Keywords: education, risks of education, choice, success criteria, applicant, social philosophy, discussion method.



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