Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Pedagogical design of the educational environment of the University in the conditions of realizing the possibilities of the Technopark

I.A. Makarova, Н.В. Петрученя, Е.С. Дорожкина
80,00 ₽

UDC 37-042.4:004


Irina A. Makarova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, Associate Professor, e-mail:

Natalia V. Petruchenya, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, Associate Professor, e-mail:

Ekaterina S. Dorozhkina, assistant at Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, e-mail:


This article defines the possibilities of the Technopark in the development of pedagogical design of the educational environment of the University. The specifics of the future teacher’s professional training in the conditions of digitalization of education are highlighted. The typology of educating situations is presented, which are the basis for creating a universal fund of evaluative means of educating future teachers and their readiness for educational activities in professional activity (applicable for all training profiles). The nature, content and the results of the use of educational situations in the professional training of future teachers are determined. The methods of constructing pedagogical reality are described. The concept of “pedagogical design” and its possibilities in the training of future teachers are considered.

Key words: future teacher, education, educational environment, professional training, educational situations, pedagogical design, Technopark.



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The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project No. 20-313-90045.