D.V. Vasyov is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at Perm State Institute of Culture e-mail:
Examined is the problem of reading as multifunctional cultural practice, formatting mobile developing system of cognition. Cognitive-discursive paradigm is presented as result of new approach to reading. The new approach is stated, that reading not only acquaints the reader with outside world, but also forms spiritual world of person, his intellect. As to the author, elementary reading skills are inherent to any literate person, but they are only the basis for complex creative process of working with the book, as only technical reading skills alone are not enough to make full use of information, containing in printed or electronic work. Conclusion is made, that conscious attitude to reading makes it possible to freely navigate in the world of professions while choosing life path.
Key words: reading as socio-cultural phenomenon, activity cognitive process, types of reading, culture of reading.
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