Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Analysis of the level of training of students in graphic disciplines

S.N. Torgashina, I.E. Stepanova, O.V. Bogdalova
80,00 ₽


S.N. Torgashina is Cand.Sci. (Technique), doc. e-mail:; I.E. Stepanova is doc. e-mail:; and O.V. Bogdalova is doc. e-mail: 

at Volgograd State Technical University


Presented is subject examination of drawing course of school persons, forming analytical and creative components of thinking and major source of development of static and dynamic spatial representations of pupils. Known is, that many students don’t have enough well-developed spatial imagination. Spatial imagination accompanies us throughout life. In connection with that arose necessity to conduct an analysis between dependence of level of training of first-year students to studying graphic disciplines of presence in curriculum of corresponding object. The article presents the analysis of testing of different categories of students at technical high schools colleges and secondary educational institutions. The authors found direct relationship of level of cognition by students of graphic disciplines from availability in training programs of secondary educational institutions the subject of “Drawing’.

Key words: test, disciplines of graphic profile, process of learning, drawing, scale, symmetry, projection, analysis, view, geometric form.



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