Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Features of lecturing Philosophy to students of natural science and technical specialties

N.N. Gubanov, E.A. Yusipov, N.I. Gubanov
80,00 ₽

UDC 37.09-057.8:1


N.N. Gubanov is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), Prof., Ass. Prof. at sub-faculty of Philosophy e-mail:; E.A. Yusipov is PhD student at sub-faculty of Philosophy e-mail: Both at Bauman Moscow State Technical University; N.I. Gubanov is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), Prof., Head of sub-faculty of Philosophy and History at Tyumen State Medical University e-mail:


Highlighted and analyzed are features of lecturing Philosophy to students of natural science and technical specialties. The problem of low motivation of students in this category to study philosophical disciplines (Philosophy for Bachelors, methodology of scientific knowledge for undergraduates, History and Philosophy of Science for graduate students) is considered. Some reasons for this phenomenon are noted. Proposals were formulated to increase the interest of science students and technicians in teaching Philosophy. A method developed and tested in pedagogical practice of the authors to demonstrate the productivity of philosophical ideas in scientific and technical research on specific historical material is proposed. This method of teaching solves three main tasks, i.e. to show the audience, how certain philosophical ideas of specific scientists contributed to their scientific creativity, to show, what abstract objects were modeled in philosophical thinking long before such objects (such properties and relationships) came into the sphere of scientific thinking and practical development, and to show, what fundamental cognitive problems were posed by philosophers of the past to subsequent generations and what significance for science was the reflection on these problems. The described method and results obtained can be used by teachers of philosophical disciplines in training of Bachelors, undergraduates and postgraduates of natural science and technical specialties.

Key words: philosophy, education, technical university, motivation, method of demonstrating the productivity of philosophical ideas in scientific research.



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