Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


E.V. Burtseva. Reflection in educational process as pre-requisite of personal self-management development

80,00 ₽


Тhe Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
The Senior Instructor at the Department of special subject of
the Vladivostok Branch Far East Law School of the Russian Federation Ministry of the Interior.
Shown is teacher’s experimental work with cadets of law institute of RF’s Interior Ministry in organizing pedagogic conditions for development of personal self-management of trainees. Unit of psychological and pedagogic program oriented on development reflexive component of personal self-management as well as data of forming experiment are also presented.
Key words: reflection, personal self-management, cadets of law institute of RF’s Interior Ministry, psychological and pedagogic program, psychological training


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