Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Academic discipline of “Concepts of modern natural science” in modern system of higher humanitarian education

V.A. Doroshenko, M.R. Moskalenko
80,00 ₽


Doroshenko Viktor Alexandrovich,

Ph.D., docent, Associate Professor of the History of Science and Technology,

Ural Federal University

Moskalenko Maxim Ruslanovich,

Ph.D., docent, Associate Professor of the History of Science and Technology,

Ural Federal University



Discussed are peculiarities of modern scientific culture of society, as well as tendencies in development of natural sciences. Analyzed are place and role of academic discipline of “Concept of modern natural science” in forming process of scientific culture of students, with also methodological peculiarities of it’s teaching for students of humanitarian specialities.

Key words: scientific culture, concepts of modern natural science.



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8. Doroshenko, V.A., Moskalenko, M.R. Concepts of modern natural science. — Ekaterinburg: UGTU-UPI Publ., 2010. — 89 p.

9. Prigozhin, I. From Being to Becoming: Time and complexity in physical sciences. — M.: URSS, 2002. — 288 p