Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Difficulties on the way to environmental education: Philosophical analysis

N.V. Popkova

UDC 502/504:1


Natalia V. Popkova, Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Cand. Sci. (Engineering), Docent, Professor of Department of Humanities and Social Science, Bryansk State Technical University, e-mail:


Ecologization of public consciousness seems to be a necessary condition for solving the global environmental problem. The main theoretical difficulties facing environmental education in the modern world are considered. It is shown that the presence in the curriculum of some scientifically unfounded philosophical ideas can reduce the theoretical validity of environmental education. Humanity inevitably faces a problem: increasing its well-being, it worsens the quality of the natural environment. Therefore, calls to abandon the idea of scientific and technological progress for the sake of preserving nature actually mean a call for marginalization or economic backwardness. In addition, the goal of environmental protection is often formulated incorrectly i.e. as an ecological balance, but post-non-classical science, exploring self-developing systems, has shown that their development occurs through crises. Thus, philosophy is obliged to conduct a theoretical analysis of the ideas proposed by the defenders of nature. As an example, the possibility of using the idea of the noosphere by V.I. Vernadsky for environmental education is analyzed. It is shown that V.I. Vernadsky saw the unity of mankind as a necessary condition for the noospheric transition, but today humanity is divided. Therefore the idea of the noosphere does not look promising for the tasks of environmental education.

Keywords: environmental education, technogenic society, philosophy, noosphere, biosphere.



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