Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Theoretical and methodological approaches to study of professional self-determination

V.S. Volegov


V.S. Volegov is post-graduate student at Perm State Institute of Culture



Examined is the problem of the change in theoretical approaches to study of professional self-determination in social sciences. Based on recognition of professional self-determination as important element of regeneration of social order, the author allocates three main stages in it’s study. Presented is detailed characteristic of stages. In particular, content of the first approach, representing by the theory of traits and factors, is limited to issues of compliance with the individual requirements of a particular job. The second stage includes sociological studies, related to adaptation of young people to existing social structures. On the basis of a number of theoretical and practical problems with the use of this approach the author makes the assumption about necessity of re-thinking of phenomenon of professional self-determination as a category of culture on the basis of the theory of methodological practices.

Key words: professional self-determination, theory of traits, theory of practices, culture, social technologies, background practices.