Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Who orientates himself to go in university post-graduate study, and why? Some lessons from monitoring, i.e. preparation of students for post-graduate study needs management

S.D. Reznik

S.D. Reznik is doct. in Economics, prof., head of sub-faculty “Management” at Penza State University of Architecture and Construction


Presented is analysis of the problem of participation of students in scientific research activity as one of important conditions for increasing efficiency of education at post-graduate studies and training of students for independent scientific pedagogical activity. Analyzed are main results of monitoring of students, focused on research and pedagogical activity. Proposed is sociological portrait of a student, planning to begin his post-graduate study. Shown are students’ ideas about post-graduate postgraduate study, as well as their motivation for scientific research activity. Worked out is a model of the process of management for attracting attention of students to entering post-graduate study, and also their motivations for scientific research activity. Proposed are both system and mechanisms of scientific methodical providing of the process of training of students for entering post-graduate study at higher educational institution.

Key words: student, higher educational institution, scientific research work, post-graduate school, management.



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