Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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V.N. Kormakova, E.I. Eroshenkova. Tutor support for professional self-identity in the «school-university»’ system of interaction


V.N. Kormakova,
PhD in Pedagogy
The Associate Professor

E.I. Eroshenkova,
PhD in Pedagogy
The Associate Professor

Belgorod State National Reseach University The article deals with the organization of tutor support professional self-identity in the «school — high school»’ interaction. Authors identified principal actors of this support, revealed its foundation, features, functions and directions. Proposed are methodical means and forms of realization of tutor support professional self-identity in school and in high school.

Key words: tutor, support, professional self-determination, cooperation, school, institution of higher education


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